I said a few months ago that I was ready for new, good stuff to happen, but I didn't anticipate the flip side of that. New things in your life often means saying goodbye to old parts of your life... and sometimes that is really awful. (more on this to come)
Last weekend, we had to say goodbye to Jake, Tony's loyal service dog. He was diagnosed with kidney failure a few months ago, and he had been hanging in there. He had special food, and medicine, and I was even giving him IV fluids for awhile. He had gotten very skinny and had lost a lot of his energy and pep. He couldn't jump in the back of the car or drag me along on a walk, but he still greeted me with a waggy tail. At the end of last week, he couldn't really keep any food down, and that was enough for me.
I can't say enough about what Jake meant to us and how much he helped Tony. He made it possible for Tony to work extra months when his arms were getting very weak, and he helped us skip the lines at Disney World. He threw away dirty diapers, opened doors, and even brought my lunch to me one day at school. More than anything, he was Tony's buddy and was perfect at his job. We miss him so much. He was a wonderful dog, but his job was done.
I could go on and on, but it'll only bring even more tears. Please, pet your own pets tonight and tell them you love them... maybe give them an extra treat. And please check out
St. Francis Service Dogs who trained Jake and then taught Tony how to keep up with him. They provide dogs to veterans, and children and adults with disabilities and they are incredible.
Here's a few pics... now I've got something in my eye again.
Teeny Jake early in his 2 years of work to be a service dog |
with baby Louise right after he partnered with Tony |
Unofficial mascot of VMI Men's Soccer |
Sharing the couch with his favorite humans |
goofball in the snow |
last pic with his adopted sister, Gemma |
Must be allergies. I've got something in both eyes and a lump in my throat. And memory of hugging Tony and Jake and him telling me goodbye. Much love to you and the girls. Elizabeth